Dear Members
There are still 21 members who have not paid their annual subs which became due 1st January 2018.
We would appreciate your support in making the outstanding payment as soon as you can. It is only a small payment but enables the group to organise and fund the events we put on.
I have pasted Andrew’s initial email below which highlights the way the payments can be made.
Thank you for your continued support.
Paul Dresser (Secretary)
Dear Members
Your annual subscription to Harrogate Advanced Bikes is due at the end of December 2017 for the 2018 year. Your subscription to HAB is important to us, it helps us put on training and social events throughout the year such as the evenings at Bilton Cricket Club.
The subscription amount is again unchanged at £15-00, and our preferred method of payment, is by direct bank transfer to our account:
Lloyds Bank Harrogate Sort Code: 30-93-91 Account No: 01807888
Online payments – Please put your name in the reference field so payment can be identified easily.
Payment may also be made to our Treasurer, Andrew Pratt, at the Monday 11 December meeting at Bilton Cricket Club
For clarification Subs will be due from :-
Ø Paid Up Members
Ø 2017 Associates that have passed the test
Ø Members are also reminded that all HAB members must also be members of IAM Roadsmart.
Many thanks in anticipation of your continued support.