2021 Subscriptions

Dear Members,

I hope that you all remain safe and well, that you had the best
Christmas you could and wishing you all a better 2021 than the last year
has been.

To all of you that have already paid your 2021 annual subscriptions,
thank you. If you have sent me a cheque, it will take some time for me
to get them paid into the bank, so please bear with me.

If you have not yet paid your £15, this can be done at any Lloyd’s Bank
at the counter, (our account is at Harrogate) by BACS via the internet,
sort code 30-93-91, account number 01807888, reference your name. If you
wish to pay by cheque, please send it to R. Stembrowicz, Farthings, 42,
Colber Lane, Bishop Thornton, Harrogate, HG3 3JR. Subscriptions will
also be due from any Associates who passed their advanced tests in 2020
(congratulations by the way).

The committee would like to remind members that they should also pay
their subscriptions to the IAM separately, in order to qualify for HAB

We look forward to seeing you at future meetings.

Best wishes,

Richard Stembrowicz


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