Volunteers needed to lead our 2022 HAB rides.
We have been out on two of our 2022 Rides already, but February will be with us soon and a Ride Leader is needed for the Sunday Ride on the 20th. It’s your club so don’t be shy and please step forward to lead a ride in 2022 if you can. If you have not volunteered before you must be a full IAM/HAB member. Any help you need to research, plan and recce your ride will be provided. There is a definitive guide on the HAB website with a link at the bottom of this page.
Here are the Sunday and Wednesday dates to choose from. It’s normally the third Sunday of the month and the first Wednesday but we do occasionally move the dates around.
Please get in touch if you can to lead a ride this season. Contact details at the bottom of the page.
Barry Ring-your Ride-Out coordinator 078747 786 608 0r barrya.ring@gmail.com