AGM and Member Update

Good Evening everyone.

I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the better weather.

The AGM was held via Zoom on the 10th May and we enclose the minutes for the members perusal. There were a few changes in post at the AGM. John Blanchfield stepped down as Chairman after his three year tenure and Paul Dresser was voted in to succeed John. I would like to thank John for steering the ship through these difficult times with Covid. Also, Peter McNulty took up the position of Secretary.

As restrictions start to be lifted, and we hope the Indian variant don’t scupper these plans we are now looking to re-start our normal activities. We have been in discussions with Bilton Cricket club to start our indoor meetings from September. We have already secured some speakers for these meetings including Graham Feest (Road Safety Consultant) on the 13th September, Mike Bevington of Yorkshire Air Ambulance for the 4th October (Please note this is a week earlier than the normal second Monday due to lack of availability at Bilton) and Nick Jefferies, TT racer and local motorcycle dealership family on November the 8th.

The next Sunday ride coming up is the 20th June. I will be leading the ride with Peter Smith as tail ender. I did intend a route into the Peak District but am now planning a ride into the Dales, Tan Hill, and back down through North Yorkshire. There will be no limit to ride participants but we will have to consider numbers for the food stops so will still be asking people to book on the ride rather than just turning up on the day. Further details will be published.

We are also considering other activities such as the slow riding workshop and some other social activities or functions. If any members have any suggestions as to what they would like to do in the club then please let me know.

We have had a good influx of new associates and Bob has been busy working with his team of Observers to allocate these and start training. We would love to welcome these new associates to ride outs and our meetings.

Ride safe and take care.

Paul Dresser, Chairman.


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