Forward Notification of HAB Monday Evening Meetings

Dear Members,

The Committee recently sought anecdotal opinion from members as to whether they would prefer for the monthly Monday-evening indoor meetings to continue throughout the summer months in preference to evening Ride-Outs. This was due to the very small number of participants recently attending Monday evening Ride-Outs.

In the absence of any conclusive preference either way, the Committee has decided to run a Programme for Summer meetings with a published indoor meeting on those occasions when a Speaker can be arranged, and to further continue with a Ride-Out on other occasions.

To this end, the following Speakers have been arranged:-

April 10thSteven Hoult will be talking about his ‘Biking Experiences and the Masters.’

July 17th – Sarah Sillars is the CEO of IAM RoadSmart, and she’s coming to talk to the club about ‘Bringing meaningful change to the organisation’.  It should be noted that this is a change from the normal date, however it has been indicated in the published programme.


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