HAB Monday November 11th Evening Meeting

At our evening meeting next Monday 11th November we have been fortunate enough to have a presentation by Dale from ‘BikeSeal’, the puncture prevention and repair specialists.

This promises to be a very interesting and interactive event. Dale not only intends to show and demonstrate his products but give us a chance to use them on wheels he will bring. This will be a great experience for those of us who have never done this before and maybe lack the confidence to do it. He has asked that we bring along any repair/inflation systems we may have to promote greater debate. We have invited our fellow IAM members from the neighbouring York Advanced Motorcyclists to join us for the evening. Please make every effort to attend to do justice to our speaker’s commitment.

PLEASE NOTE – To allow ample time for Dales presentation the meeting will start earlier at 7.15 PM.

Don’t forget, if you have not already done so, to continue to receive posts from HAB, please use the new “Subscribe to our emails” on the right hand side of the webpage.

See you on the evening.


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