Not-Christmas-Dinner – Saturday 28th January 2016

Please find attached details of the Not Christmas Dinner

Mike Fourie advises that last year we went for the “economy” dinner which was disappointing so this time he has opted for an all-round more upmarket event.


Harrogate Advanced Bikes – Not-Christmas-Dinner

Date;              Saturday  28th  January  2016

Time;                    7.00 for 7.30 p.m.

Venue;               The Old Spring Well

Otley Road,     Killinghall,

Harrogate.  HG3 2AP.

We have arranged a Four Course Dinner

With choice of;

 Four Starters, Four Mains, Four Desserts

Plus   One surprise extra course.

Plus   Coffee & mints.

£25.00 per head (including a tip)


Names to;

Mike Fourie

Or                         07983122655

Payment Cheques made payable to:-

Harrogate Advanced Bikes.

BACs Transfer to Harrogate Advanced Bikes.

Lloyds Bank   Sort Code ; 30-93-91            A/c no            01807888



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