Ride Out Sunday 13 April

Ride Out Sunday 13 April (yes it’s the 2nd Sunday this month)

Well, what a treat we have in store – Everything from single track roads to 6 lane Motorway, from open “Big Sky” moorland, to industrial heritage villages, from long straights, to peg scraping twisties.

We will meet 0915 for a 0930 “grande depart”, Dragon Road Lorry Park, Harrogate (next to Asda) Skipton Pick Up LAY BY on A59, just west of A59/65/629 roundabout (approx 10-00)

Over the tops to Coffee at Hebden Bridge, then dip a wheel into Lancashire ( Its OK, not for long) Lunch at the Huntsman, west of Holmfirth. Fuel up after 86 miles

The ride will finish at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, after 98 miles (plus another 40 to Harrogate)

Here’s the route http://goo.gl/maps/4sErs

Enjoy, I know I will Andrew, on the Red Baron (but it might be the True Blue)

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