You will have seen in the last HAB post news about the change of date for the Mid-Week ride this month and that goes ahead this Wednesday the 11th as planned (please see the previous post for details).
Normally this coming week-end would be the correct one for our Sunday Ride-Out. However, that too has been moved and will now take place on Sunday 22nd January instead. Apologies for any inconvenience and of course a post will go out with details soon.
Next month should be back to normal with the dates set out on the 2023 Event Calendar on the HAB website. Please have a look at the ride dates in the calendar. Ride leaders are needed for all months both for Sundays and Wednesdays so don’t be shy, please come forward and support your club with your ideas for a favourite route. If you are going to be new to leading a ride and if you require any support, just ask. Use this link for more details.
Contact: Barry on 07847 786 608 or barrya.ring@gmail.com