A brisk start to 2018

Dear friends,

On this, the first day of 2018, may I extend to you my very best wishes for the New Year and for great, safe enjoyable riding especially as the longer days will not now be too long in coming.

January meeting

Our programme for 2018 starts on Monday 8th January. We will be at our usual venue, Bilton Cricket Club, where we shall hear a presentation by Mike Bevington from Yorkshire Air Ambulance. I am sure that this will be very interesting and thought provoking. Yorkshire Air Ambulance is our charity that the club supports regularly and one that many riders have been thankful for over a period of many years. Please do come along. The meeting begins at 7:30 pm. and will be followed by our usual supper.

Annual Not Christmas Dinner

Our meeting next Monday is the ideal opportunity for you to book your places for our Annual Dinner, if you have not already done so. The date is Saturday 3rd February. The venue is the Old Spring Well at Killinghall. The cost is £25 per person. It would be great to see a large proportion of members (and their partners) at the event and I do hope you will make an effort to come along for what is always a most enjoyable evening. Andy Pratt our Treasurer will be on hand to receive your payments. Alternatively you can make them by BACS transfer to

Harrogate Advanced Bikes

Lloyds Bank Sort code 30-93-91 A/c no 01807888

As we need to advise the restaurant with some certainty over numbers, there must be a deadline to receive your booking AND payment. Please therefore make sure that you have sorted everything out no later than Friday 19th January. If you pay Andy in cash, he will keep a note of your booking, but please also send an email to Mike Fourrie (organiser of the dinner) at mike.fourie@blueyonder.co.uk so that he has exact details of the numbers to be catered for. If you simply pay by bank transfer, please also email Mike to let him know of your booking.

Next meetings

Here is advanced notification of two more dates. Our club meeting at Bilton CC. on Monday 12th February will include a presentation by Mark Mullins our ‘local’ IAM examiner. I am sure that his talk will be of great interest to all members and associates, whatever our levels of skill or previous experience.

Our AGM will be held on Monday 12th March. It is especially important that you put this date in your diary. This meeting will need to elect officers and committee members and I would remind you that for different personal reasons, neither Andy Pratt (Treasurer) or myself (Chair) will be putting ourselves forward for possible re-election to our current posts of responsibility. Please do consider if you can make a contribution to the running and future well-being of our association by serving on the committee or being proposed as a future officer. Our association must have  a chair, a secretary, a treasurer and a committee both to function and to operate legally, so our elections really do matter.

Safe riding in 2018.

With best wishes

Doug Masterton

Chair, Harrogate Advanced Bikes

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