Here’s a message from, now sunny, Belgium. I hope many club members got out on the Wednesday Ride-Out, here’s another chance for a Ride-In to our HAB meeting this Monday evening. It’s a re-run of last months ride-in as only two, bless you Derek Saunders, and myself turned up.
Meet up at 6.00pm with a set off at 6.15pm. It’s a great ride from Otley Garden Centre on Pool Road LS21 1DY over Beamish Beacon past Bolton Abbey and cut across country to Stump Cross Caverns and back to Harrogate in time for our meeting starting 7.30pm at Bilton Cricket Club. If you want to join us at the tea shop on the way to Bolton Abbey BD23 6HB we can pick you up there. The A59 is now open of course so be there at the tea room from 6.30pm please.
It’s a social meeting at this time of the year and if you’ve been on a motorcycle trip or to the ABR Festival please share your experiences with the rest of us. A buffet will be served of course after any club news. Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday evening.
Ride 40 miles-80 mins. GPX available.
Ride leader Barry Ring 07847 786 608 barrya.ring@gmail.com