Ride Leader Guidelines

All of our rides follow the IAM RoadSmart Group Organised Ride Manual of Guidance. It is recommended this document is read along with the following guidelines to assist with planning and briefings.

Ride Leaders MUST have passed the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Test and be full members of IAM RoadSmart and Harrogate Advanced Bikes.


  • Identify a public meeting point. Either one of HAB’s regular meeting points or one which can accommodate up to 15 riders.
  • Plan for route of between 120 to 180 miles. Consider weather and daylight hours.
  • Consider keeping the route as simple as possible and number of junctions to a minimum.
  • Plan for regular breaks. Roughly every 90 minutes of riding.
  • Plan for morning coffee stop. Consider planning for up to 15 riders.
  • Plan for lunch stop. Consider planning for up to 15 riders.
  • Aim to finish the ride between 16:00 and 17:00. Plan to finish at a convenient place which has for example, fuel, catering, toilets.
  • Consider preparing a handout for the riders with details of the route, Ride Leader, Tail End Charlie contact numbers and locations of stops/fuel.
  • Conduct a recce of the proposed route with the Tail End Charlie and record the route.
  • Consider using a SatNav to record the route to enable a GPX route file to be provided to riders.
  • Prepare a document detailing the rideout event and provide this to the HAB Ride Out Coordinator at least a week before the event. This will enable them to review, publish on the website and send a communication to all HAB members.
  • Prepare a document detailing all pre-ride briefing points. This will enable you on the day to run smoothly through all the key points with all riders.

Ride Briefing:

  • Introduce yourself as the Ride Leader.
  • Introduce your Tail End Charlie (TEC).
  • Record names of all riders. Template has been provided for ease.
  • Identify and introduce new members.
  • Check that all riders have full fuel tanks.
  • Explain the route, including coffee stop, lunch stop and the stops and fuel stop options for the route.
  • Advise all riders of any key hazards you are aware of for the route.
  • Explain the ‘system of riding’, in particular when guests and new members are present. 
  • Explain to all riders the ‘drop of system’ for junctions. Emphasise that riders should always consider their own safety when choosing a safe place to stop when marking junctions.  Riders should ensure that they are in a position where approaching riders from the group are able to see them clearly. Junction markers to remain in place until the Tail End Charlie (TEC) has reached the junction.
  • Advise all riders that overtaking is permitted between ride members as well as other road users, provided that this is done safely and courteously.
  • Advise all riders that everyone must ride at a pace at which they feel comfortable and competent and should not feel any pressure from within the group to ride outside that comfort zone.
  • Remind all riders that they are responsible for maintaining safety and complying with the law at all times.
  • Remind all riders that if they plan to leave the ride at any point, they should inform both the Ride Leader and/or Tail End Charlie (TEC).