Chairman’s New Year message

Chairman’s New Year Message
I hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and are looking forward to a great biking year for 2019.
20189 saw a good number of Associates gain ‘Skills for Life ‘ passes and our Observers continue to work with the current Associates still in training and new ones as they come along. Any Member interested in becoming an Observer should please contact our Chief Observer Bob Hill for further information.
The effects of global warming seem evermore concerning but the reduced severity of our winters is proving to be a boon to our riding programme. At the request of members we are now trialling year round monthly Sunday rides to complement the monthly midweek rides. This should hopefully give Members more opportunity to get out throughout the year and maintain contact with friends in the Group. This increase in rideouts will inevitably put more pressure on ride leaders to come up with and commit to rides so once again I would ask Members to consider putting themselves up for this. Help with organising and planning would be given by experienced leaders.
If you are aware of a suitable destination or coffee stop (bike orientated or not) please let us know to help keeping the rides fresh.
We have also recognised that the reduction in early pre-planning and publication of ride details has led to some Members missing out on events they would have liked to attend. For 2019 therefore we intend to try harder with this by looking earlier at dates of suitable events throughout the year and announcing them sooner. Maybe a few 2 days/1 night away or visits to motorsport events etc. Any Member with any ideas on this should please contact our Rideout Co-ordinator Barry Ring asap.
We have speakers arranged for our next 2 monthly Monday evening meetings at Bilton Cricket Club so please try to come along and support them. Watch the website for details.
The Club subscriptions have been held yet again at the lowly sum of £15 so please, if they have not been paid, get the money to our Treasurer Richard Stembrowick as soon as you can.
I look forward to meeting and riding with you all again soon and wish you a very Happy New Year and safe riding.

John Blanchfield
Chair HAB

2 thoughts on “Chairman’s New Year message

  1. Thank you John and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too. Looking forward to meeting up again soon.

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