Hab Xmas dinner

Hi All,

H A B Dinner Choices Menu 

Our 2014 dinner date is approaching. This is one of the few occasions we get to socialise with other members and our respective wives / husband /partners. The venue is very good, easy parking, near city centre, good atmosphere topped with great food. Luigi’s is booked and we need to confirm numbers a.s.a.p.

He is once again offering an excellent menu. £25 for three courses plus coffee.

By collecting the money in advance there will be no need to be handling funds on the night.

Each course has a very good selection to choose from and attached is a copy of the menu and  a chart to indicate your choices.

Please enter names and X your choices.

Bring to November meeting at B.C.C. (Mon 11th  and we have an interesting speaker as well.)


Return by e-mail to Mike F.                m_fourie@blueyonder.co.uk

Luigi is very happy for us to run our Y.A.A. raffle again so please remember to bring a raffle prize.

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