Harrogate Advanced Bikes Not-Christmas-Dinner 2018

The club will be holding its now long-established event on Saturday 3rd February 2018. The Not-Christmas-Dinner will take place at The Old Spring Well, Otley Road, Harrogate HG3 2AP at 7:30pm for 8:00pm.

Mike Fourie has kindly agreed to organise our annual dinner once again and those wishing to come along should send their names to Mike at mike.fourie38@gmail.com

Remember that partners are more than welcome and it would be good to have a splendid turn out, once again, for what is a most enjoyable evening.

The cost is £25:00 per person and payment should be made to the club, either by cheque (made out to Harrogate Advanced Bikes) and given to Andy Pratt our treasurer, or preferably, transferred by BACS directly to the club account – Lloyds Bank, Sort Code 30-93-91, Account Number 01807888 together with your name as a reference.

With best wishes

Doug Masterton – Chair, Harrogate Advanced Bikes

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