Mike Fourie HAB BBQ Notice

2013          H.A.B. BBQ.           2013

Hi Members, Families and Friends of H.A.Bikes,

As you will have seen on the web the date for our annual BBQ is fast approaching.

Several of you have indicated that you are coming.

 It is crunch-time.

 I need definite numbers by Friday 6th.

That will give me time to order the  meat, the wine and beer

& some bits ‘n pieces to go with those essentials.

Previously we have broken about even at £10 per head so we will keep it at that again.

The Details.

H.A.B. 2013 BBQ

When                   14th September 2013

Time           Gather about 5 p.m. Eat about 6.00  /  6.30 p.m

Where                 33 Sunset Drive, Ilkey. LS29 8LS

Cost           Adults £10.00  Children free

 Final numbers  by Friday 6th PLEASE.

If I hear in time I could try to arrange limited camping

Contact:         Mike F. 01943 430516 m_fourie@blueyonder.co.uk

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