Not the Christmas Dinner (NTCD)

Ladies and Gentlemen.

As we approach the end of the year, it has become traditional for the club to arrange a dinner for members and their partners to get together over some good food, some good wine and copious good cheer.

Since inception, this event has been masterminded by Mike Fourie but for 2023, Karen & I have agreed to take over the baton (and the pressure!) from Mike with our very grateful thanks to him.

We are currently short-listing venues, menus and budgets and have a number of options under consideration. Our plans are to keep costings for a three-course meal with coffee at significantly under £35pp.  2 course options will be available for under £27pp. Our focus will be to deliver a great evening at the very best price so we plan to be creative with menu choices and selection to cater for all needs. More detail to follow once likely numbers are known.

The plan so far is as follows:

  • Date:               Saturday February 18, 2023
  • Time:               7:00 for 07:30pm
  • Menu:             Traditional/2 or 3 courses with coffee
  • Venue:            TBA – but large pub in Harrogate area

However, and as a Wildcard, we think we could break with tradition and “take-over” a small, family run Greek restaurant in Harrogate centre and provide an outstanding “Chefs Choice” menu for a group of up to 30 at a very reasonable price and with exceptional and authentic Greek food.

Could I therefore ask members to let me know initially:

  1. If you would be interested in attending, subject to the final details (Yes/No).
  2. How many places would you like?
  3. Would you be interested in the Wildcard option of the Greek restaurant (Yes/No).

Your early indication by email to  with a subject of: NTCD would be very much appreciated and enable us to get the details broadly settled before the end of November.

Many thanks, Peter & Karen Smith

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One Response to Not the Christmas Dinner (NTCD)

  1. Peter Germaine says:

    Yes interested in any function you come up with. Yhank you for taking on this important project.

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