All posts by Paul Dresser

Message From The Committee

Dear Members,

I am writing to all members with an appeal for support on the committee from individuals who feel they could contribute a small amount of their time.

The current committee members have been in place for many years, some as long as the group has been established. Three of the committee have been Chairman and one has been chairman twice. 

After a significant period of service, the two key roles of Chairman and Treasurer are stepping down this year and we need to find members who are willing to help the group continue into the future, by volunteering to fill these two vacancies.

Our group runs independently of the IAM and as a charity in its own right. To achieve this however, we do need these key posts in position. Without the support and involvement of members then the future of the group would be in doubt. 

There are other key decisions to be made about the future of the group. The use of Bilton Cricket club as a venue is very expensive and the cost of the room, along with the buffet have a significant impact on group finances. The committee have discussed other options such as meeting in a local pub, not providing a buffet, and only having indoor meetings in the winter, with summer meetings being a ride to a local destination with the final stop being somewhere we can get a coffee or fish and chips, or similar.

We would welcome any suggestions or comments on these issues. Our AGM is in April 2025 and this is the deadline for putting new management roles in place. We can also take this opportunity to discuss how the group operates in the future.

Please consider these issues and provide feedback to myself via email at

Our group can only succeed through the input and support of its members.

Many Thanks

Paul Dresser


IPSGA Theory Session 6th April

Dear All,

Bob is organising a Theory/Training session on the 6th April at Bilton Cricket Club. This is aimed at new associates and their observers but we would like to open this up to all members who would like to attend.

This session will look at the system promoted by the IAM for delivery of training to new associates and in particular IPSGA, the backbone of the system.

This will be a perfect opportunity for those who want to refresh their knowledge or are interested in how observing is carried out in our group or intersested in observing in the future.

Bacon butties will be provided so even if you want to turn up for a free butty.

Bob needs to order catering in advance so would appreciate it if anyone wanting to attend could book in via the link below.

Thanks, Paul

IAM Petition for scrapping VAT on Air Vests

Make a change by signing the petition to scrap VAT on life-saving air vests  

Please see communications below from the IAM

Dear member, Since our last email, we’ve been busy spreading the word about our campaign to scrap VAT on life-saving air vests. As part of our campaign to protect motorcyclists and reduce the number of people killed or injured on our roads, we’ve been speaking with cross-party MP’s and our partners to raise awareness of the importance of recognising motorcyclists as vulnerable road users. Did you know 1 in 5 road deaths on UK roads is a motorcyclist, and nearly two thirds of motorcyclists said the cost of safety wear has put them off buying it? We know more needs to be done to protect all road users, so by removing VAT on air vests will allow more people to access this life-saving PPE. Our petition now has over 4,000 signatures, getting us closer to achieving our target of 10,000. Thank you again for all your support. If you haven’t already done so, please consider sharing our petition with friends and family, and let’s make the roads a safe place for everyone.  

Best wishes, 
Nicholas Lyes
Director of Policy and Standards

Please welcome Richard Smith to the group.

I began riding back in the early 80’s and passed my test in 1981. I had a Honda H100 followed by 2 Honda Superdreams – 250 and 500. My eldest Son was born in 1989 so the bike had to go!! Nappy costs were high in those days!

I then didn’t really ride much until deciding to have a go again last year…. I did a refresher course – took a few test rides and then realised I still had the bug! I purchased a 19 plate Suzuki V-Strom 1000 in April this year. Took it up to Scotland in May and had a great week in the highlands.

My latest purchase was a few weeks ago again whilst visiting Scotland. As you can see I’ve treated myself to a BMW 1250 GS Rallye TE. Love it and looking forward to some nice leisurely rides out before the winter sets in!

Member offer from York Advanced Motorists Group.

Please find below offer from Sue, chair of the York car group.

Please note the condition at the bottom of the flyer that states the candidate must regularly carry children to qualify.

I have 2 places with funding available on our next ADC which starts on 9 September..
Would you be able to put this out to your members please?
We can now cover HG1 3 & 5 with this scheme.
Several York bikers utilised this last year…

The way it works is that they would pay £157.50 upfront to buy the course, then the full amount is refunded on completion by York treasurer – we are holding the PCC funds.


Monday evening Meeting

Hi all,

Just a reminder that there is a meeting at Bilton this evening. Unfortunately, they cannot put food on so you may want a bite before you come. There are still snacks and drinks available at the bar. We will just have a social meeting with a chance to catch up and have a natter.

Barry is leading a ride-in meeting at Ripon Marketplace, see Barry’s post for exact details.


Please welcome Damien Sullivan to the group.

I started on bikes when I was 17 – a Honda CG125, then a RE Interceptor made the same year I was born. I took it to France for a year when I left school and it was stolen on my return to England. So student life meant an old CB360 (!) before that was written off and I was bikeless for several years until 1996 when I got an early Hinckley Trident 900 swapping that for a Sprint ST in 1999. As a recent father biking became very much a part time activity and the main use was for visiting clients. In 2010 I started a business and biking took off with a succession of Triumph Tigers; a 955, 800, 1200, 900 before switching to a Ducati Multistrada V4s in early 2022.

I ride all over the UK and have made several trips to Europe, the most memorable being a solo trip to conference in Prague. 14 days on a Tiger seemed more sensible than a flight there and back

I did get Rospa training but didn’t sit the exam – Covid intervened. Then I went through the Bikemaster training with Rapid Training and finish off Level 3 in June and moved to Ripon in late 22 and decided to join a club with like interests in being the best biker one can be.

Please welcome new associate Matthew Sedgwick to the group.

So, the brief biking history;

I became hooked on motorcycles as a 13/14 year old, hammering my mate’s C90 mot failure up and down a private road in Pool. As soon as I was old enough I bought an old Honda CB125, slapped on some L plates and hit the open road (no cbt back in those days). After extensive training (provided by my mate Martin one Saturday morning), I headed off to Harrogate for my first round the block test. I say first because I didn’t realise there was a narrow ginnel between the houses. I thought I was safely away from the examiner’s beady eyes along the back straight behind the terrace, until he unexpectedly stepped out and slapped his clipboard for the emergency stop. Suffice to say, the speedway style rear wheel slide didn’t impress him much. I was ready for him on the second attempt however and passed with flying colours (in both directions).

If I haven’t missed any out, 42 years later I’m now on my 18th bike and thought it was about time I learned to ride it properly. Favourite so far, Honda CBR1000f Hurricane back in the 90s. The bike which was a bit different and wish I had kept, absolutely mint Kawasaki GT550 shaft drive.

Favourite quote, which is credited to Mark Twain I think;

“ It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”