Christmas is coming and most of us are making our uniquely different plans for this festive season. Ordinarily the monthly mid-week riders would have had their Christmas lunch at the Bay Horse Inn at Great Broughton and Mike Fourie would be taking bookings for the ‘Not the Christmas Dinner ‘at The Old Spring Well. Both great social events we are having to miss this year. This year has been disappointing as we have had to limit our biking activities to stay safe and legal, though I am pleased to say our Associate training has managed to continue with our 1 to 1 system and ride-outs have been maintained though only with a maximum of 6 riders. The brighter news is, of course, the breakthrough with the COVID vaccine, which gives us a really positive outlook for the coming year not just for our biking but for life in general. If things go well we should be able to get back to more normal rides and meetings, hopefully by the middle of the year. In the meantime the Committee will watch closely the guidance from the Government and the IAM with a view to increasing our activity as soon as it becomes possible. We will continue to arrange the restricted rides and are looking at the possibility of increasing the number of rides each month to make more opportunities available. As always this is dependant upon the number and availability of ride leaders so I would once again ask for volunteers to please make contact with our ride out co-ordinator Barry Ring (07847 786608) if you can help. Assuming we are able to meet we are planning to hold a lunch/dinner mid-year to make up for those we are having to miss. So 2021 is looking like a very promising year!
I would like to wish you and your families a safe and very happy Christmas and New Year and look forward very much to getting back together again in a normal manner in 2021.