Please take a few minutes to read through these minutes. They contain items of interest to all regarding the future of the club and we welcome comments from any member with a point of view.
20140723 Committee Meeting
Please take a few minutes to read through these minutes. They contain items of interest to all regarding the future of the club and we welcome comments from any member with a point of view.
20140723 Committee Meeting
My Son and I attended the “Triumph Live” this year held at the Heritage Motor Centre at Gaydon on July 11th-13th.
This was a fantastic event and we got VIP tickets through A1 Moto York. We had full VIP treatment including free meals, access to the privileged areas plus the opportunity of meeting the staff and celebrities all for £28 plus a free trip around the Triumph factory at Hinckley. We camped on the Friday and Saturday for £12 [more celubrious accommodation is also available!]
and can thoroughly recommend the event.
If they hold the event next year I will definitely be going, if anyone else is interested please let me know.
I will also be attending “TRIDAYS” in 2015 so if anyone is interested in joining me, again please let me know. This event is usually held in the 2nd week of June.
My intention is to go via ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam, then by overnight transporter train [RailSavers] to Allessandria in Italy, Lake Garda then up to TRYDAYS in Neukirchen.
Return trip possibly via Prague, Dresden, Meißen, Halberstadt and the Harz mountains, the Ardens and Amsterdam ferry home.
I just wanted to respond to a few of the issues raised at the Committee Meeting.
Before responding to specific points I wish to say that I really value my association with the group. I have gained a great deal from my involvement and I feel that I still have a lot more to learn. I appreciate the supportive and encouraging comradeship from members and consider it to be a very harmonious group.
Point 5. I’m really satisfied with the structure of the Monday evening Ride Outs, the timing is good for me,
With regard to lack of structure – in my opinion it’s a great alternative to the Sunday Ride Outs which are also brilliant, and is also means that we get some riding back in the dark.
If the September Monday Ride is just to Squires then that’s ok by me because there’s always a variety of routes that we could take?
Apologies from me however for the Sept Monday evening as I have another meeting to attend.
Point 6. Social events etc – I’d be happy to engage with other events. I recently had 5 days on the Isle of Mann at the Southern 100 and it was far less frantic than TT Week, with some great roads. I’d also be very interested in an Off Road experience.
I would have gone with Barry on the Wales Trip but I’m tied up on those dates this year. I’m very interested in going to BSB at Oulton Park also.
Point 2. September Open Day – really sorry but I’m tied up that day otherwise I’d have been there.
Point 3. Associates – I’m working on a couple of acquaintances who may be interested.
It’d be interesting to know why the York IAM members are dissatisfied, and how this May impact on the dynamics of the Harrogate group.
Hope these observations help in the collective deliberations.