Committee Meeting Minutes 4th June

Harrogate Advanced Bikes Committee meeting 4-6-18

The meeting was held at the Bilton Cricket Social club on the above date and commenced at 19:30. Those in attendance were;

  • Paul Dresser (Secretary)
  • John Watts
  • Peter Smith
  • Richard Stembrowicz (Treasurer)
  • John Blanchfied (Chair)
  • Barry Ring (Ride Coordinator)

Apologies from Bob Hill

Minutes of last meeting were agreed as being accurate.

Matters Arising

No Matters arising from previous meeting.

Training (Bob Hill)

Bob will update training via email as unavailable for meeting.


Monday 11th Meeting , Barry to send notice and appeal for ride leader. Meet 7 for 7.30 at meeting point to be advised.

Ride Calendar to be updated, Paul and Barry to get together and update the calendar.

Due to clash with Fathers Day it was agreed to move the June rideout to the 24th.

Possible IOM trip in September to discuss, possibly replace the Sunday ride with a weekend. John Watts to look into availability and dates. This followed a general discussion about longer or more varied rides (Scotland/Wales etc)

July – Bob Hill to lead.

August – John Blanchfield to lead.

September – Paul Dresser to lead to Lake District (Lakeland Motor Museum).

Club Meetings

Currently running Monday evening rides but will need to consider speakers for when we move back in to Bilton.


Discussed bank balance and available funds. Richard had taken over from Andrew and understood that there was one account with Circa £2500. Consensus was there was another account and this is to be checked with Andrew Pratt (has now been resolved and there are two accounts with a balance in excess of £5k)

Bank Signatories and authorisation to sort. Agreed 4 signatories

Bob Hill, Andrew Pratt, Peter Smith, John Blanchfield


Paul Dresser to compile compliance guide for GDPR for next meeting

Discussed Harrogate on your doorstep, £480 for ¼ page, agreed not to proceed as expensive.

JB contacted Harrogate Advertiser and spoke to Reporter re our scheme to promote SFL for younger riders.

PJD to discuss publicising the offer via the IAM’s media department and to approach road safety partnerships (Done and social media marketing in place via IAM)

General update required to website which PD will look at and tie in with Barry updating ride calendar. Revised Bio’s required from current committee members and either update or remove the calendar.

Next meeting Monday 6th August at 7pm

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