Hi H.A.B. If you have not yet signed up for our Not-C-Dinner look at the menu attached. You might cancel your other arrangements and join us. Attached please find the superb menu Old Spring Well is offering us for our Not Christmas Dinner 2018. I looks even better than last year and we can look forward to same warm welcome on the night. The reason that we do not have the menu earlier is the fact that this is a “bespoke” menu specifically for H.A.B.
You need to make your choices: Starter ; Main ; Dessert. (Not easy !!)
Please send your choices to me a.s.a.p. but NO LATER than mid-night on Monday 21st.
Bon appetit !
Mike F.
Menu choices to Mike F. mike.fourie38@gmail.com
Those who have not yet paid please send £25 p.p. to Andy:
Lloyds Bank
S/code 30 – 93 – 91
A/c no 01807888.
Please add surname in reference box. (If you have not already done so add your subs at the same time.)