HAB Ride Out Update

Dear Fellow Club Members

I hope you and your families are all well and coping with the difficulties the COVID situation is throwing at us. We are at least lucky that we are all still able to ride our bikes and enjoy the sense of freedom and fresh air this gives us.

As you are aware the regular Group ride outs have been somewhat curtailed by the requirement to limit number of participants to 6. Furthermore the recent further lockdown restrictions in many parts of our district has meant that 2 of our proposed rides have had to be cancelled owing to leaders not being able to take part.

This situation has lead to the matter being raised at the recent Club committee with a view to determining whether these rides should be halted at the present time of escalating COVID cases. It was eventually concluded however that we should continue, taking care to abide strictly to Government, and accordingly IAM, guidance/law. I want to emphasise therefore the strict need to ensure social distancing throughout the rides especially at coffee/lunch stops etc. and that no one should turn up at a HAB ride if their local lockdown circumstances prohibit it.

Given the reduced number of ride leaders now available it is most likely that the calendar of monthly rides will not be as regular as normal but Barry Ring, our ride out coordinator, will do his best to keep things going. Once again I would ask for anyone able to lead a ride to contact Barry with their availability.

The Committee will constantly monitor the situation and endeavour to give everyone the best riding opportunities available.

Best wishes
John Blanchfield
Chairman HAB

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