HAB Scottish Borders Trip Update

David Haywood has individually emailed HAB members booked on the Borders trip but in the interest of sharing the information with all members, maybe for future reference and planning a similar trip yourself here is the details for all.

Hi Everyone,

Routes now sorted with brief details and myRoute links below. As the first day is a long one we need to get going earlier than normal. I’m therefore proposing two options:

A. Meet at Ripley Ice Cream from 8.00 for a prompt 8.30am start OR, if it’s easier for you.

B. Meet up with the main group at Hawes (Wensleydale Creamery Café – planned Coffee Stop) at 10.00am (ETA for main group).

NB. If you decide to meet in Hawes, please text me the day before or sooner on 0777 921 4331.

See you Wednesday!




Please start the first day with a full tank.

Trevor Cooper and I plan to share Leader and TEC duties.


Route Day 1 first leg (either A or B) – 137 miles (from Ripley):

Day 1a.f Ripley/Hawes Trout Farm to Silloth coast


Coffee Stop: Wensleydale Creamery Café, Hawes DL8 3RN.

Lunch Stop: Mrs Wilsons Coffee & Eatery, Criffel Street, Silloth CA7 4BT.

Route Day 1 second leg – 76 miles:

Day 1b.f Silloth to Denholmmyrouteapp.com

Fuel Stop: 14 miles BP, Lowmoor Road, Wigton (Waypoint 2).


Route Day 2 – 142 miles:


Fuel Stop: 43 miles – Shell, Main Road, Thropton NE65 7LT.

Coffee Stop: The Running Fox Cafe, Long Farmington. NE65 8AE (Waypoint 9)

Lunch Stop: The Black Bull, Etal TD12 4TL.


Route: Day 3 Denholm to Ripley – 146 miles:

Day 3 Denholm to Ripley

Meet 9.30 for 9.45am start.

Fuel Stop: Esso, Weensland Road, Hawick TD9 8LA (Waypoint 2).

Lunch Stop: Lanercost Priory Tea Rooms, Lanercost, Brampton CA8 2HQ.

We’ll decide at lunch if we want a further stop.


Paste any of these links into www.myrouteapp.com

Please let me know if you’d prefer .gpx files and I’ll email them to you. David.haywood@mac.com

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