HAB Weekday Ride Out and CHRISTMAS LUNCH – Wednesday 4th December 2019

Yes, it’s still sort of summer, but it’s approaching ‘that’ time of year again!

I’ve reserved a table for Christmas Lunch at The Bay Horse in Great Broughton again this year. As usual (and weather permitting) we will be doing a ‘ride-in’ from Ripley with coffee/comfort stop midway.

If you are interested and in order to guarantee a place, the restaurant need to know your menu preferences together with a deposit of £5 per head.

The menu is as follows:


Spiced Parsnip Soup

Fan of Chilled Melon

Chicken, Clementine & Cranberry Paté

St. Nicks Prawn & Brandy Marie Rose Cocktail

Main Courses

Turkey Crown

Cod Lion

Medallions of Pork Fillet

Mature Cheddar & Red Onion Tart

All main courses served with Roast Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables


Sticky Toffee Christmas Pudding

Traditional Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce

Double Chocolate Brownie

Mulled Wine & Seasonal Berry Eton Mess (excellent choice for Boris supporters!)

Yorkshire Rhubarb & Ginger Cheesecake

Slate of Cheese & Biscuits

Prices are: One course £14.00 – Two courses £18.00 – Three courses £22.00

Ground Coffee & Petite Mince Pie available for £3 extra

It will help me if you can email your requirements as soon as possible and pay the deposit to my account below so I can forward on to the Bay Horse (or pay me when you see me if you prefer).

Ride-in details will be confirmed nearer the time.

I hope you can make it this year – we always have a good day and a good laugh!

David Haywood

Bank details:

Account:            73133325

Sort Code:          09-01-28

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