Harrogate Advanced Bikes Evening Meeting Monday 12th September at Bilton Cricket Club

The theme is “Motorcycles and Cycle Racing”. Arrive at Bilton Cricket Club from 7.00pm with our meeting starting at 7.30pm.

Richard Falls will talk about the role of the National Escort Group GB, for which he is Yorkshire regional coordinator, in facilitating cycle racing on the road from regional to international level, with a powerpoint and video presentation.

The National Escort Group

The National Escort Group GB (NEGGB) is an organisation that provides skilled motorcycle marshals for a variety of sporting events held on the UK public highway and aims to enhance and maximise the safety for competitors, officials and members of the general public alike.

All our riders are trained to IAM, RoSPA or similar qualification and the NEGGB is the only organisation that is accredited to provide trained motorcycle marshals for British Cycling events.

Bilton Cricket Club will provide us with their splendid and updated buffet menu after the talk and any other business.

Looking forward to a good turnout on the night!

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