Monday 9th September HAB Evening Meeting

Sadly our Monday evening summer ride outs have come to an end for this year, only because the days are shorter and not because it’s colder of course!

Next Monday 9th at Bilton Cricket Club Peter Riley from Helite Airbag Technology has offered to talk about and demonstrate to us his airbag safety vests for motorcyclists and other sport activities. We spend plenty of money on quality helmets, gloves, armour, traction control and other safety equipment. Thankfully airbag technology is used in motorcycle sport but we could all potentially benefit from it’s use.

Helite are pioneers in Airbag technology, have a look on YouTube or just do an internet search to find out more.

Please use this link for an amusing demo done by Peter a few years ago, you may recognise some of the participants.

About to be blown up!

The meeting starts at the usual time, 7.00pm gathering for a 7.30pm start and Peter Riley’s demonstration beginning shortly after that.

Hopefully all HAB members can come along next Monday evening to appreciate Peter’s Helite Airbag Technology and if you know a friend or motorcycle mate tempted to come over to the Advanced way of riding just mention the usual Bilton Cricket Club excellent buffet I’m sure that will do the trick.

See you there!


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