First of all congratulations to Richard Smith on his IAM Test Pass.
It was clear everyone enjoyed the presentation from Julie Emmitt of BikeTrac. Julie gave us lots of great advice and information about Trackers and hard security devices. It was a good turn out for a winter meeting, 23 members attending in total.
Comments from members. “It was really well attended and a well informed meeting, Julie from BikeTrac did a fabulous job!” “Brilliant night and so well attended”. Roy Beniston, a recent purchaser of a BikeTrac tracker, was impressed to get a retrospective discount.
Any HAB members wishing to make a purchase and claim your IAM discount and 0% finance offer please contact Julie by email: Julie.emmitt@biketrac.co.uk or phone 07778 335 145.
Julie wasn’t making a hard sell, but if you interested in purchasing a bike tracker and are going to The London Bike Show this weekend, BikeTrac are exhibiting. If you make a tracker purchase at the show you can get an additional 6 months subscription discount (in addition to the 3 months IAM discount). You heard it here first. Just see Julie on the stand.
Make a date in your diary for our next HAB club meeting on Monday March 11th featuring a Touring Workshop with Ian (Alf) Garnett.