Notice of Annual AGM Monday 10th May

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by order of the Group Committee that the Annual General Meeting of ““Harrogate Advanced Bikes” will be held via Zoom meeting at 7.15pm on Monday 10th May .

Paul Dresser is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

To enable the Trustees of the Group to present their Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended (31/12/20) for approval by the Group Full Members and to conduct an election.

Chairman – John Blanchfield (Will Not Stand)
Secretary – Paul Dresser (Will Stand)
Vice Chair – Peter Smith (TBA)
Treasurer – Richard Stembrowicz (Wil Stand)

Nominations are invited for the positions above and will be voted at the meeting. Please send all nominations to the Secretary (

Committee Members:

Chief Observer Bob Hill is willing to continue in post.
Rideout Coordinator – Barry Ring is willing to continue in post.
John Watts
Peter McNulty

The group invite members of the group to joint the committee and contribute to the running of the group. All help and input welcome.

As the meeting will be run via zoom the reports will be run in sequence, An Agenda will be published in advance. If any members wish to bring up any specific items or any other business then we would ask that these are forwarded before the meeting to be incorporated in the agenda and floor time will be given to address the topics.

Members can freely contribute at any point by pressing the hand button however we would ask that this is after the main presentation and voting.

Any Questions please ask myself.

Paul Dresser, Secretary.

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