Welcome Rosie to the group.

I’m really quite new to biking – after wanting a motorcycle licence ever since I can remember I managed to overcome years of parental ‘don’t do it’ (my mum’s an orthopaedic nurse so understandably has a rather one-sided view of it) and got my licence Nov 2019.  I didn’t actually manage to get a motorcycle until July 2020 (combination of wanting to move house to one with a garage and various lockdowns etc).  This picture was the day I brought her home and I think you can tell my sheer joy of finally owning one!  Since then I’ve been motorcycling as much as possible and want to learn as much as I can and just get my experience up really.  

Thank you again – I’m really looking forward to doing my Advanced Riding and getting involved in the Club’s activities

Many thanks, Rosie

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