HAB Monthly Meeting Monday 11th March Bilton Cricket Club

Join your Harrogate Advanced Club mates for our monthly meeting at Bilton Cricket Club. Get there from 7.00pm for a chat with official business starting at 7.30pm. Once again this month we are happy to have a Guest Speaker, Ian Garnett. Full members, Associates and riders interested in taking the IAM Roadsmart Rider Course are welcome.

It’s well into March already and the Touring Season is fast approaching. You’ve not done it or done it all, got many t-shirts but there’s always something new to learn. Whatever you’re touring experience, Ian (Alf) Garnett, seasoned Advanced Rider Trainer/Examiner/ Masters Mentor and Motorrad Tour Leader is joining us for a Touring Workshop. Many HAB members will know or know of retired RAF Wing Commander”Alf” Garnett and even if you don’t it’ll be worth you coming along this evening, so don’t miss it.

Our usual sandwich and pork pie buffet will follow.

Let’s hope to the weather will be kind and more of us can turn up on our Bikes.

Images courtesy of Ian Garnett. https://www.agridertraining.co.uk/about.php

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