Please note: Because of room availability at Bilton Cricket Club our February HAB meeting will take place on Monday 3rd, a week earlier than usual.

On Monday 3rd we have a presentation by Jade-Ambulance Biker & NHS Medic. Please come to the meeting if you can and make her welcome.
Our meeting is at Bilton Cricket Club. Get there from 7.00pm for an official start at 7.30pm. Sorry no buffet is available this evening.
Thank you to all the Ride Leaders who have already volunteered and now listed on the 2025 calendars shown below. If other full HAB members would also have a look and see if they are able to contribute this year it would be very helpful to get a few more names on the list before you all finalise your 2025 plans. If you have not led a ride before please consider doing so. It takes a little bit of organising but is much easier than you think and you do need a willing partner to act as Tail End Charlie. If you are a first timer, any help or advice you need, just ask myself or any other experienced ride-leader, check out our Ride-Leader Guidelines on the HAB website with more information available on the IAM website too. Contact
Leading up to the AGM we are covered for speakers for our Monday meetings but we are always looking for interesting presenters as the year goes on. If any members have a contact or pal they can call on to inform or entertain us please get in touch with, leave a reply at the bottom of this post or speak to a committee member at one of our events.