Harrogate Advanced Bikes Monday 11th November Monthly Meeting

Photo courtesy SplitShire (Pixabay.com)

We are well into Autumn now and our monthly Harrogate Advanced Bikes Monday November 11th evening social meeting at Bilton Cricket Club starts at 7.30pm. Any news or other business followed by Chief Observer Bob Hill, who will lead an interactive discussion on rider attitudes entitled “Human Factors and Oblivion”. With member participation encouraged and starting off with our own attitudes to riding. Topped off with pies and sandwiches to follow.

On Wednesday 4th December David Haywood has organised a Ride-In and Christmas Lunch Party and informs us there are two spaces left for anyone who can make it. Please take a look at the October 23rd post on the new style HAB website, choose from the menu and get in touch with David on 07 779 214 331.

A Sunday Ride-Out is planned for November 17th details to follow soon.

It’s our penultimate HAB meeting of 2024 so hopefully as many as possible can be there on Monday evening.

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