The Club meeting on the 10th September 2018 will be the first indoor meeting of the, dare I say, Winter season. Usual time of 7.30pm at Bilton Cricket Club.
Our speaker for the evening will be Mike Bevington, a National Trust Guide who you may recall gave us the interesting talk on the Air Ambulance Service earlier in the year. His talk is entitled ‘A Walk Round Fountains Abbey’. The talk includes a tour of the world famous Cistercian Abbey, looking at why, when and how it was established; a description of the monks life at the abbey, including the purpose and use of the main areas and why, when and how it was closed down.
Whilst obviously not bike related I’m sure it will of great interest as a prominent local historical site.
Mike is a volunteer and does not charge for his work but he does suggest that we donate a minimum of £1 per person to the National Trust. I’m sure we can oblige. Please make every effort to attend to make our speaker’s time and effort worthwhile and also to reacquaint yourselves with other members you may not have seen for some while.
John B