Message From The Committee

Dear Members,

I am writing to all members with an appeal for support on the committee from individuals who feel they could contribute a small amount of their time.

The current committee members have been in place for many years, some as long as the group has been established. Three of the committee have been Chairman and one has been chairman twice. 

After a significant period of service, the two key roles of Chairman and Treasurer are stepping down this year and we need to find members who are willing to help the group continue into the future, by volunteering to fill these two vacancies.

Our group runs independently of the IAM and as a charity in its own right. To achieve this however, we do need these key posts in position. Without the support and involvement of members then the future of the group would be in doubt. 

There are other key decisions to be made about the future of the group. The use of Bilton Cricket club as a venue is very expensive and the cost of the room, along with the buffet have a significant impact on group finances. The committee have discussed other options such as meeting in a local pub, not providing a buffet, and only having indoor meetings in the winter, with summer meetings being a ride to a local destination with the final stop being somewhere we can get a coffee or fish and chips, or similar.

We would welcome any suggestions or comments on these issues. Our AGM is in April 2025 and this is the deadline for putting new management roles in place. We can also take this opportunity to discuss how the group operates in the future.

Please consider these issues and provide feedback to myself via email at

Our group can only succeed through the input and support of its members.

Many Thanks

Paul Dresser


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